Monday, September 30, 2024

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19 Surprising Answers to ‘What If…’ Questions

It’s often said that asking a strange question will lead to an equally unusual response. From my own experiences, I can confirm this is true.

Posing an open-ended question can spark creativity and lead to some unexpected results. It’s always fascinating to see where imagination can take us!

Check out these 19 intriguing examples! Not only do they provide insights, but they also highlight the many surprising ways we can explore “What Would Happen If…” Let’s dive in!

1. **What happens to leather goods when a store stays closed for 53 days?**
(This happened in Malaysia, where the humidity is extremely high.)

2. **What if mold took over a cinema?**
Mold growing in Malaysian cinemas is a more common sight than you might think!

3. **What if you tried to sterilize money in a microwave?**
Here’s the result of that particular experiment.

4. **What if you used a cheap dish scrubber for two years?**
The scrubber on the right has been used for 2 years, while the one on the left, a higher-quality scrubber, has lasted 15 years!

5. **What if you let potato sprouts keep growing for 3 weeks?**
Here’s what happens when they’re left unchecked.

6. **What if you applied clear tape to a matte surface?**
This is how a matte pen looks when covered with clear tape. The same thing happens with matte glass.

7. **What if you brushed a sheepskin rug?**
The rug undergoes a complete transformation!

8. **What if you swiped on your phone screen protector every day?**
Over time, signs of wear will start to show.

9. **What if a key stayed inside an unused lock for over 20 years?**
This key was found in a lock that hadn’t been used in decades.

10. **What if you left a transparent skull on a windowsill for 7 years?**
Let’s see what happens to it after years of exposure to sunlight.

11. **What if soda bottles sat in direct sunlight for several weeks?**
These bottles were left in a shop window and changed dramatically over time.

12. **What if there was heavy rainfall in a flood-prone area?**
This image shows the aftermath on the roads.

13. **What if you left a glass door on grass for a while?**
Here’s how the grass changed after being under the glass.

14. **What if you removed all the fabric pilling from your sofa?**
The result is a refreshed and improved piece of furniture!

15. **What if a pole was used to hang flyers for years?**
This is what happens when flyers accumulate on the same pole over time.

16. **What if a doorbell hit a wooden door for 30 years?**
After years of impact, this is what the door looks like.

17. **What if a tree grew too close to a fence?**
Over time, the tree and fence begin to merge in an interesting way.

18. **What if a bird hit your window?**
Here’s what that unfortunate event might look like.

19. **What if you left rice in a rice cooker for a week?**
After seven days, this is what happens to the rice.

Feel free to SHARE these surprising discoveries with your friends and family!

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